What is Corrosion and What are its Effects?

Corrosion is a chemical process that slowly breaks down the materials of buildings. Not only does this damage the aesthetics and value of your building or structure, but it can cause construction failure if not addressed in a timely manner. Corrosion weakens these buildings and materials can start to chip, crack and break off. 


Rust is the most common form of corrosion when it comes to buildings. It occurs when water comes into contact with metals and is exposed to oxygen. It can appear on a steel building and in reinforced concrete. Rust stains can also appear on the brick and the surface of concrete. 

What to Look For

Sometimes, corrosion is very obvious and can be seen from the outside. Looking for rust and rust stains will be a good indicator of where the damage is coming from. Other times, the damage is hidden. There could be a leak if water spots or damage are present on the ceiling or walls. Because rust is caused by water on metal, a leak can cause corrosion on the framing of the building that is not easily visible. 

How we can help:

Sandblasting or Waterblasting: Rust can leave stains on the outside of your building from water running down the side. Sandblasting or waterblasting will remove the rust and rust stains. It will also remove grime, such as mold and dirt.

Sealant Removal and Replacement: By waterproofing your building, you are cutting down on the chance of corrosion. To learn what sealant and options are best for your business, contact us today to talk to one of our team members. 

Structural Concrete Repair: Corrosion can damage structural concrete. Our team can inspect the concrete and help decide the best way to repair it.

Structure Inspections:  Corrosion can affect the structural integrity of your building. If you have had or having issues with corrosion or rust, you want to make sure your building is safe. We can inspect the building and tell you what actions need to be taken.

Over time, rust and other corrosion can happen to your building, especially if there is a leak. As your building ages, preventative measures will need to be taken to make sure your building is safe. Contact us today to learn more about our services and how we can help you.